Instructions for using the Bikenavi mobile application.
Downloading the app
Download the Bikenavi app from the AppStore or GooglePlay. Create an account and [...]
Instructions for using the Bikenavi mobile application.
Download the Bikenavi app from the AppStore or GooglePlay. Create an account and [...]
Different map modes Change the mode by pressing the symbol. [...]
Different location modes Pressing the location button changes the mode. [...]
Routes and instructions In my routes you can: Set [...]
Pikareitin tekeminen Tee nopeasti pikareitti haluttuun kohteeseen seuraavalla tavalla [...]
You can zoom the map with the + and - buttons [...]
Search You can search by entering in the search field: Name (Vaasa [...]
Routes function Open the menu, you will see [...]
Karttapohjat Bikenavi tarjoaa karttapohjaksi 6 eri vaihtoehtoa. Huomioi: [...]