Map bases
Bikenavi offers 6 different map base options.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) on ilmaisversion karttapohja. The map contains information about roads, paths, buildings and other points of interest.
Basic (requires subscription)
A base map helps you visualize the overall picture of the area clearly and in detail.
Lightweight (requires subscription)
A light map is simple. It lacks the detailed information of a traditional map. Roads and paths are clearly visible on the map.
Topo (requires subscription)
A topographic map contains a lot of detail, such as elevation contours, small roads, and bodies of water. It is well suited for outdoor activities and visualizing elevation differences.
Outdoor activities (requires reservation)
The Outdoor map is designed for outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling. It provides detailed terrain information and highlights natural elements.
Aerial view (requires subscription)
Aerial photos consisting of satellite images help in visualizing terrain, for example when choosing a campsite.
Vektorikartat tulossa 2025
Vektoripohjaiset karttapohjat ovat erityisesti suunniteltu erityisesti mobiilikäyttöä silmälläpitäen. Karttojen ulkoasua ja fonttien kokoa on muokattu niin, että ne ovat helposti luettavissa pieneltäkin näytöiltä. Kartat tarjoavat tarkemman ja selkeämmän näkymän, mikä parantaa navigointia merkittävästi.
Accuracy and clarity
Vector maps consist of many different layers that can be shown or hidden as needed, making the map very clear and detailed.
Smooth zooming in and out
Vector maps allow for smooth zooming in and out without loss of quality.
Map rotation
Elements of vector maps, such as place names and route networks, can be customized and maintain their orientation even when the map is rotated.
Smaller amount of information
Vector maps require less information to display at once because the total amount of data is smaller.
Maintaining quality across devices
Image quality does not deteriorate on different devices, whether it is a smartphone or tablet.