Map bases
Bikenavi offers 6 different map base options.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a global map database.
The map contains information about roads, paths, buildings and other points of interest.
Basic (requires subscription)
A base map helps you visualize the overall picture of the area clearly and in detail.
Lightweight (requires subscription)
A light map is simple. It lacks the detailed information of a traditional map. Roads and paths are clearly visible on the map.
Topo (requires subscription)
A topographic map contains a lot of detail, such as elevation contours, small roads, and bodies of water. It is well suited for outdoor activities and visualizing elevation differences.
Outdoor activities (requires reservation)
The Outdoor map is designed for outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling. It provides detailed terrain information and highlights natural elements.
Aerial view (requires subscription)
Aerial photos consisting of satellite images help in visualizing terrain, for example when choosing a campsite.
Coating information (Finland)
Colours of pavements on the map.
Asphalt road (hard)
Asphalt road (soft)
Asphalt road (hard)
Gravel road (surface treated)
Private roads
Asphalt road (stone)
Metsähallitus spatial data
Metsähallitus spatial data
You can use Metsähallitus' spatial data in your planning
Hiking services
- Deserted poles
- To book
- Dailies
- For rent
- Rent a house
- Kodat
- Tent pitches
- Saunas
- The pavilions
Hiking structures
- Fireplaces
- Swimming beaches
- Swimming sites
- Dry toilets
- Swimming beaches
Road works (Finland)
You can see the roads in Finland on the map.
Lipas information (Finland)
You will see the following information on the map (location information to be opened later)
- Lavas, kodas, combs
- Screens
- Cooking places
- Mountain biking trails
- Cycling routes