
Bikenavi route plannning application and mobile application

Do you want to drive on main roads and avoid gravel roads? Or do you want plan a gravel road adventure? You decide which kind of route you will build.

You can draw a route using freehand or addresses. For planning, it’s advisable to use location and road surface information.

Päällystetiedon lisäksi kartassa näytetään Metsähallituksen paikkatietoja. Näet kartalla laavujen, tulipaikkojen, kämppien jne. tarkat sijainnit ja nimet.

Lisäksi käytössäsi on myös monipuolinen hakutoiminto, jonka avulla voit etsiä tietoa vaikkapa lähialueen huoltoasemista.

Reittisuunnittelu ja mobiilisovellus

Try route plannning

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Helppo reitin sunnittelu
Easy route planning

You can design a route with free draw or use addresses to aid drawing.

Road surface information
Road surface information

On the map you'll see what the road surface is made of, information available in Finland and Sweden

Monipuolinen haku
Versatile location information

You can search different location info for the base map, such as gas stations, stores, Metsähallitus' campfire spots etc.

Base maps
Versatile map layers

Different map templates support route planning.

This is how route planning works

1 Plan the route

Sign up for app.bikenavi.fi and plan your route.

2 Save or export file
Tallenna reitti

Save the completed route.

Vie reitti

Export the route you saved as a

3 Open the route

Open the route you saved
on Bikenavi mobile app

Lataa gpx-tiedosto

Download the GPX-file of the route to the navigation device or app of your choice.

Mobile Application

In the mobile app you'll immediately see the route made in route planning. You can also use the app solely for navigation. Then you'll see your location and bearing. You can make use of the versatile map and location information.

Road surface information on the phone.

Download Bikenavi
Buy a Bikenavi subscription.
