Redeem the benefit
With the given code, you can redeem the benefit and use Bikenav for free or at a discount.
See more detailed instructions on how to use the code and redeem the benefit in the Bikenavi app.
- Download and install first Bikenavi app From the App Store

- Open Bikenavi app
- Select Settings
- Select Order from
- Press Redeem code

- Enter offer code to the field
- Press Redeem

- The order is valid.
- Start your adventure
See if necessary. iOS instructions
See more detailed instructions on how to use the code and redeem the benefit in the Bikenavi app.
- Download and install first Bikenavi app Google Play
- Open Bikenavi app
- Select Settings
- Select Profile
- Select Order from
- Select the down arrow next to your payment method, then select Down Arrow, then Redeem Code
- Add code
- Follow the instructions on the screen.
- The order is valid.
- Start your adventure
See if necessary. Google Play instructions